
After one whole month, the blog is finally in a presentable state! This post goes through a quick brief on how to start using the blog. An up to date version of this guide can always be found here: https://github.com/nelsontky/auson/blob/master/README.md

Getting Started

  • Learn git using Git It.

    • Git is a program used to track changes throughout your code, and Github hosts a history of these changes for better collaboration.
  • Download and install nodejs from here.

    • Nodejs is a Javascript runtime that helps in creating web applications with Javascript.
    • Nodejs includes a package manager called npm. npm is a platform that allows developers to write and share plugins.
  • Clone this repo:

    git clone https://github.com/nelsontky/auson.git
  • On your command line, navigate to the folder of the cloned repo.

    • Learn how to use the command line if you are unsure!
    • I saw you do a guide on the command line a little while back :)
  • Once in that folder, run:

    npm install
    • This command will install all the packages used for the blog.
  • Finally, run:

    npm run start
  • After loading, you can visit http://localhost:8000 with your web browser to see a developmental version of the site!

    • Changes you make to the site will be automatically loaded at http://localhost:8000.

Posting Guide

  • First, learn markdown from here.
  • If you enter the /src folder in this repo, you can see two folders, posts/ and letters/.
  • Posts go into the posts/ folder, while letters go into the letters/ folder.

    • In this example we will create a new post.
  • Enter the posts/ folder and follow the naming conventions (using hyphens to separate words and all small letters) and create a new .md file. The markdown file will become a post.
  • Referring to the existing posts, you will see this at the top of the .md file, there is this segment:

    title: "Sample letter"
    date: "2020-05-18"
    Post content...
    • This is the frontmatter and is used to generate the content of the site. Do note that date is in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Write your post with markdown. The post will appear at http://localhost:8000 as you work on it.
  • After you are satisfied with your post, commit and push your additions to Github!
  • Finally, deploy the site by running:

    npm run deploy
    • After completion, your changes will show up on the site!