Our first date

By: Nelson

It was so nerve-racking for me to plan that date, and while it was nothing as compared to your well thought out date ideas and plans, I hope you liked it. Pro tip: It is never a good idea to go for axe throwing on your first date. You can't really converse with the potential love of your life (who is now the love of my life), and in all honesty it wasn't really that fun. Next time maybe you can consider the zoo as she hinted 🙈 (well there is not gonna be a next time for any of us anyways eh) I was a lucky guy to chance upon the Thai style pasar malam thingy, and probably made one of the best decisions in my life when I decided to put aside my bias for claw machines and put that note into the machine. It never dawned on me till much later that the experience mattered so to you and I am glad that you found me as someone you could trust. Dinner was fine, it was nothing to write home about as compared to all the other places you've brought me to. The subsequent dessert bar was mind blowing though, and I am glad that you enjoyed the experience. I did very much enjoy our date. It was when we were playing the claw machine and you grabbing me by the arms that I started falling in love with you. While I may have looked sheepish when you did that, I definitely appreciated your receptiveness to me. It was inappropriate for me say say "I love you" then, but now that we are on the same page, I would like to do exactly that. I love you my dear Audrey! (Low key regretting that I did not take any photos to upload here. So you are just stuck with this GIF [pronounced "gift"] of my silly smile hehe)

2am claw machine axe factor