By: Audrey
Hey dearie, I was searching through my saved messages on tele and accidentally chanced upon the long essays you wrote to me back when we still had the time to do those :")
I continued to read them (in my "mildly" sleep-deprived state oopsie) and one part that really made me feel all mushy inside was this:
Reading this made me feel so special and it reminded me of how it felt to have someone I love, express that to me for the first time even though he was feeling shy about it.
It made me realise how I nowadays take all our night-times "Love you and miss you" for granted cos they become so habitual. But after reading this, I reread your "love you and miss you dear" and it gave me the warm fuzzies again 🥰
Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say that I love you so so much and I'm incredibly blessed to have you in my life forever. Thank you for being so amazingly supportive, as a best friend, a partner, a lover and family ❤️ Thank you for always putting my happiness first - I don't know how I ever deserve you but I hope I can be to you, what you are to me 🥰
And I'm sorry if I may not be as romantically expressive as you are (with all the letters you write to me and constant yearning for physical affection) even though receiving it from you is the best gift you have and will ever give me.
I love you :)